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Die Webseite durchsuchen und Ergebnisse der anzeigen :

Lieber Besucher ,
bitte beachten Sie das meine Webseite noch in Aufbau ist , daher kann es zu paar wenigen Funktionsmaengel kommen , daher bitte ich Sie auch eventuelle Verzögerungen zu berücksichtigen und unsere Seite auch später zu besuchen.
Kopp Verlag

Mittwoch, 23. November 2022

RE: SEO and digital report

We are offering complete monthly SEO service to supercharge your website rankings quickly- 15 keywords SEO will cost $500/month
We will do keyword research, on page SEO, off page SEO (link building / backlinks) which are the most important things for better Google rankings.
We will do all the following activities -
Keyword Research - Extensive keyword research according to existing presence of website.
On-Page – Detailed On-page report with – Relevancy improvement suggestions for target pages (Title, Meta description, headings, image alt, text content optimization etc.) and technical suggestions (robots.txt, xml sitemap, redirections, canonicals, URL structure, navigation, internal and external links etc.)
Off-Page – Creating Authority Backlinks with popular off-page activities such as Article Submission, Blog / web 2.0, local listing, Social Bookmarking, Classified, Image sharing, document / ppt / pdf sharing, video sharing etc. 

Patricia Hamilton
Business development
Lead Generation services


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