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Kopp Verlag

Freitag, 28. Januar 2022

RE: Campaign report

Are you interested in discounted email marketing service to your target audience(any city/any title/any industry/any country) from our database/your own list?
Live tracking link will be provided to keep a track.
We will generate massive amount of leads and set appointments, we have verified and targeted 60Mil B2B and 180 Mil B2C data for all categories globally. We will send emails on your behalf, share reports/proof, share opens and clicks list.

  *   Basic Plan: At $100 we will send 100,000 Emails within a month to your target audience
  *   Standard Plan: At $500 we will send 1Mil Emails within a month to your target audience
  *   Premium plan: At $1,999 we will send 25Mil Emails within a month to your target audience

Thanks and let me know if you wish to know more.

Patricia Brown
Global Contact list and Email Newsletter services
