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Kopp Verlag

Samstag, 4. Februar 2023

RE: 20K LinkedIn Leads at 500

Are you interested to purchase 20,000 LinkedIn databases from your target audience(any city across the globe/any industry/any titles) at $500 with their LinkedIn profile link, name, title, email address, company name, city, company size etc.? We will verify contacts and deliver you only verified contacts with 100% accuracy guaranteed.
You can specify, titles -      industry -        company size -          Geography-      .
FREE sample available.
Are you also interested in email marketing to your target audience(any city/any country) at $500 for 1Mil email send out with complete report and responses? 

We also do Lead Generation/SEO/Google Adwords campaign setup/Social media Campaign and regular posts/service specific Animated video creation etc.

Thank you and let me know.

Susan Taylor
Director of Sales
+1-(678) 759-4408
312 Crosstown Rd, Ste 148
Peachtree City GA 30269



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