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Kopp Verlag

Mittwoch, 2. Dezember 2020


Dear Sir/Madam,

In my search for a potential business partner I got your contact from an internet base wed directory/the LinkedIn.

My name is Barrister David Kross of Clifford Chance Law & ASSOCIATES P.A. Consultants, Solicitors & Advocates of the High Court of England & Wale.

My client Mr. Alexander Putilov is willing to invest about $50 to $800 million but my client needs a trusted partner who he can have a meeting at the point of releasing his funds. I told my client that you have a good profile with your company which details about you in the internet base wed directory/the LinkedIn lookup.

Can we trust you? Can we make a plan for a long term mutual business relationship? To discourse this matter with my principal attorney i will need the below stated information's.

Your full names:
Contact address:
Contact phone number:
Valued ID Copy

Thanks and best regards,

Barrister David Kross
10 Upper Bank Street,
London, E14
United Kingdom
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