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Kopp Verlag

Donnerstag, 24. September 2020

Ref N0: GIG/08-0012/CJ.

Lottery USA
Online Lottery Promo Dept.
Customer Service.
PO Box 11803
New York
45 South Service Road,
Plainview,  NY


Ref N0: GIG/08-0012/CJ.

Attn: Winner.


   Your e-mail address attached to the Batch N0: KK6/0058 with Serial number: 06/108955 drew  [5] [11] [13] [17] [14] [48] [25], which subsequently won you a prize in the category "B". You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of $213,000 (Two hundred and thirteen thousand USD only) in cash credited to file Reference N0: GIG/08-0012/CJ.


Please be advised as follows: To file for your claim, kindly contact our certified and accredited claims agent with the information below:


Name: Annie Shipman
Claims processing agent
For: Lottery USA

You are advised to provide her with the following information:

Telephone/Fax number:
City & Country:
Reference Number (stated above)

Yours Faithfully,
Mrs. Hillary Rodriguez
Online Coordinator
Lottery USA



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